mandag 11. mai 2015

Native Americans – Current Situation

  1. About what percentage of the Native Indian population lives on reservations? Where are the majority of these reservations located?
    Half of the native population lives on reservations. The majority of these reservations are situated west of the Mississippi River, and the Indians continue to live there to maintain their traditions.
  2. What are some of the social challenges faced by Native Americans? List what you believe can be the possible causes of these challenges.
    Unemployment, poverty, alcoholism and drug abuse are some of the social challenges faced by Native Americans. High rates of diabetes and heart disease are also a concern.
  3. Over which matters do tribal governments have power?
    The tribal governments possess the right to form their own government, to enforce laws (both civil and criminal), to tax, to establish requirements for membership, to license and regulate activities, to zone and to exclude persons for, tribal territories. Limitations on tribal powers of self-government include the same limitations applicable to states; for example, either tribes or states have the power to make war, engage in foreign relations, or coin money (this includes paper currency).   
  4. How does the sovereignties of Native Americans fall short?
    The sovereignties of Native Americans fall short because of the treatment of the US- government. They still wishes to govern Native American peoples and treat them as subject to U-law. They would have to deal with them as with any other sovereign nation.
  5. What does the BIA claim to be its responsibility when it comes to Indian lands?
    BIA states that its responsibility is the “administration and management of 55,700,000 acres (225,000 km2) of land held trust by the Unites States for American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaskan Natives”.

    Formulate questions to fit the following answers:
  6. It happened one summer.
    When did it happen?
  7. I understood it when I saw the wine bottle.
    When did you understand what was happening?
  8. He held it tight like a white man.
    How was his handshake like?
  9. It was because he was wearing dark glasses.
    Why didn’t you se the Cop’s eyes?
  10. He hit Leon in the face.
    What did the Cop do?
  11. He was brought to hospital.
    What happened after?
  12. The cop was pointing a long bone at me.
    Did you dream about the Cop the night after the episode?
  13. They discussed it at the pueblo meeting.
    What did they do with the hitting?
  14. They were followed by the state cop.
    What happened at the Grants?
  15. “Tony! You killed him, you killed the cop!”
    What did Tony do?

mandag 23. mars 2015

Mr. Huarêtz

Mr. Huarez is man from Cuba. He Speaks Portogise, Spanish, Guarani, Swahili, Penrhynese, Puapukan, Rakhange-Manakhi and some American. He is 1/8 American and therefore consider him selves as an American and want a place in the White House. He consider him selves a Democrat, even dough he is Communist. Mr. Huarez was born a Jew, but decided to become a Jehovah Witness after the Cold War.

Word that are easily confused

Then, Than

Which, Witch

Through, Threw

there, their, and they`re
to, too, two
lose, loose

sorry for not posting in a while. I hope that this article is interesting and that i enjoy all of you (my subscribers)


Here is a picture of a Dirt Bike
Enjoy <3

mandag 9. mars 2015

The Imitation Game

The Secret service made sure that no one knew about the Enigma cracking machine, Christopher. They keept it away from the prime minister, the army and the population. The reason for this is that they could not let Nazi-Germany know that they had cracked enigma. They decided to only deal with the Intel that could give them big strategic opportunities, and things that the Nazis won’t notice. They fed some Intel to the soviet spies and some to the Nazi spies, as well as they gave some to the British army, as if it was the British spies in Germany telling the army about it. In this way they down prioritised the civilians, knowing witch civilians will die and not doing anything about it.

In my opinion, the MI7 did the right thing, even dough they let civilians die. I think that it was more important to win the war, than to save civilians. If they had not done this much more people may have died. I think that it was a smart tactical move to feed the soviet spy’s information. In this way they could direct them and in a way control them. 


tirsdag 10. februar 2015

Digital Problems

Over the last two decades, technology is been used more and more in everyday activities, like studying, work and entertainment. Some people, especially in the younger generation cannot do anything on the internet without checking Facebook, Instagram etc. Some say that the many hours a day in front of a screen can pose a serious health threat, with symptoms like insomnia, stress and digital addiction. can the many hours in front of a screen pose this serious of a health threat? Does it destroy other achievements in life? Is it worth it?

People are being stressed out, having insomnia and digital addiction. I do not think that it is because of the technologies itselves. I think that it is more because of people using it wrong. If you only use the productive sites and apps, I do not think people wold have the same problems. Most people cannot do something on the internet without checking Facebook or check their phone without checking Instagram or Snapchat. In my opinion, it would be hard to get addicted to productive apps and sites. But are any of these phenomenon’s new?
It is well know that it is not healthy to look at a screen the whole day. But is does it do more harm than the way people worked before? Are people more stressed out now than before? I think not. In my way of thinking it seems like the reasons why people are more stressed and have insomnia etcetera is more because of the social media.

In the working life, you now have to be reachable and available any time and everywhere. In a way I think that the cell phones have taken away our “real” free time. I think that this can make people more stressed because they don’t have any time where they are completely off work. I think that it was wery different and better a couple of decades ago when people had real free time.

There are big difference in what people are thinking of how the technologies has saved us time. Some say that it makes us much more effective because we can now pay our bills in the in the car in a traffic jam or find cooking recipes on the internet instead of actually have to open a book and find it. Those who say that it makes us less effective say that we have the possibility to do things faster, but we often spend it on the social media, with everlasting posts and surfing the internet. I think that they may have a point in what they are saying, and that it would be much better if we did not us so much time on the social media.

To sum it up I think that we are using far too much time on the social media, the games and other sites that is stealing our time and that it is the main problem, not the technology. 

fredag 23. januar 2015


in class today, we watched the movie "disconnect". The theme in the movie is all the bad things that actually can happen on the internet.

a) a brief introduction to what the film is about
The movie is about a boy with few friends, he gets bullied and decides to take his own life and how this changes the life of many. But it is about others too, a pornographic actor, a news anchorwoman and a couple. The pornographic actor is doing porno i private chat-rooms and is getting paid and the anchorwoman is making a story out of it. The couple has lost their personal information online, and lost all their savings. In some way these story's are all connected.

b) Your opinion about the issues presented in the film - are there any familiar elements?
All of the issues presented in the film are relevant for how we use the internet. All of the things concerning the internet has actually happened an will happen again and again. The fraud element is familiar because my dad has been robbed over the internet a couple of times. But the credit card company has always given the money back so it has not been so big of a deal. The bullying is the element that is almost not familiar at all. I don't think people bully that much over the internet anymore. And if there is, i think that kids that has just begun being active in social media is the ones that is capable of bullying online. 

c) Did you like the film? Why/why not?
I did not like the film, even dough it is interesting. I think that the characters did weird and unreal decisions. The only thing that I seems legit is the things happening over the internet. the personal interactions where so far out for me that I cold like the movie. but the them was interesting and it discussed important themes. 

d) Which part of the film made an impression on you? 
The part of the film that made the biggest impression on me, was the one with the bullying where the kid committed suicide. The reason why this part made the biggest impression on me was because i feel like this could happen and seeing how "easy" it could be to push some one in the wrong direction.

I am sorry for the gloomy subject my sweet followers.
Thank you for reading!

XOXO -Svør


onsdag 21. januar 2015

Technology and Social media

In class today, we read texts about technology and social media in a exam preparation booklet. In this task i will state my opinion on the theme technology and social media.

The texts i have read have stated that you can get addicted to the social media applications such as tinder, while it changes the way we have done certain things for a long time. One of the texts also claim that using the technology makes us less officiant, while an other text say that i makes us more officiant and "up to date". An other text i criticizing how the big companies get our information and store it.

I think that the technology is genius if it is used in the right way, but i think that many people are using it in the wrong way. I think that it is genius that you can do more things at the same time and that you can spend the times of the day where you usually don't do any thing- like in traffic jams, at the bus, or while watching television. I agree with the statement in all the texts, but i thing it is a shame the we have grown so much together with the technology.

I use technology in almost everything i do during the day. I use my laptop during the lessons and instantly check my phone when the class i finished. When i do my home work, I use my laptop even more. I think I would have problems not having the technology in school. with out the social media and the messenge functions i would be lost, but not as lost as many other people I know.

søndag 11. januar 2015

My opinion on events in the American history

1.       Do you think the colonies had good reason to declare Independence? Why?
I think that the colonists did the right thing. Britain was not treating the colonies in America good. The taxes was too high and when a country is colonised I think the inhabitants would feel like they wore used. Most of the money that the colonists paid in taxes did not return to the colonies.  The colonists got a chance to try to be free, and they used this chance. It is an understandable act when you are not well treated. However, in my opinion they could have tried to negotiate and try to become free with less violence.

2.        Should one country be able to colonize another? When should a colony be granted Independence?
In my opinion, colonisation is not all right. The only reason why a country should be allowed to colonise a country or a piece of land, is if the area that is being colonised do not have any inhabitants. The other reason why I think that a country should be able to colonise another is if the colonised country has been hit by civil wars, massacres, wars and other happenings that has made unbalance in the region. The country should not have an acting government at the time, or any time soon. The country should be colonised so that it can become more stable, make a new government and get the economy increase. The colonists should then leave after some time when the country is stable and working again. But I think that this would only work in theory.
3.        The Bill of Rights guarantees Americans "the right to bear arms". Many Americans still feel this is important for personal they safety and in case they need to revolt  against their own government, They argue that the Minutemen and the local militias only won the fight for Independence because they had firearms.
What do you think?
Should everyone have the right to bear arms? All kinds of arms?
I think that the argument, that the Minutemen and the local militias only won the fight for Independence because they had firearms is invalid. They may think that they need guns to revolt against their government, but I do not think that it would matter how many civilians with machineguns there were in America. The American arsenal is too large for the people to takeover.
I understand the argument about protecting home and family when needed. However, I think that the gun laws should be stricter even dough America has a long and special gun history. In my opinion, it should not be allowed to bear arms outside your home or the firing range.

4. If you were to present your nation's history in the same way as above, which events would you choose? Why?
- List the events and write a couple of sentences about them.
In my opinion the most important events in the Norwegian history is:
The Viking-era (790-1100)
This was an era with much violence. The Vikings plundered most of Europe and even reached as far as to America some hundred years before Columbus.
The independence in 1814
Norway got its constitution in 1814 after being in union with Denmark for some 400 years.
Some weeks after the union was dissolved, Norway entered a new union wit Sweden that lasted until 1905.
Second World War 2 (1939-1945)

Norway was occupied by Nazi-Germany in April 1940 even dough they declared themselves a neutral country.